Tuesday, May 09, 2006


After a very long silence, there are once again signs of life.

I suppose it was clear from our last entries, that our strong belief in "ripeness" as a personal concept and metaphor just wasn't strong enough to stave off death in our midst. Suffice it to say that for both of us it has been a hard year, full of loss and mourning.

You've seen those diagrams of the Earth's crust? You know how the puzzle pieces fit together and occasionally slide and bump making us all aware of our tininess in the grand scheme of all things geologic and otherwise? Well, it's been a year of existential earthquakes.


Even though things have shifted—we've lost people and we've lost part of ourselves and we've most certainly lost our balance—we are still standing. We're now looking at what's left, the lighter load, and we're doing with it what one must do.

In our book Janet writes, "The world and all its gravity knocks us around. We all fall; some of us learn to bounce." And so bounce we do, and bounce we will. And it will take many forms: bouncing back, making leaps of faith, springing forward, jumping for joy, and the plain old hopping out of bed in the morning.

Airborn. At least til we touch down again, and prepare ourselves for the next launch.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Hello Janet & Charlotte.

    Thank you. I'm investigating menstruation (message & product) for my industrial design thesis at California College of the Arts in SF. I came across your names in relation the the InSync miniform advertisements in the book The Curse. I can't find them anywhere else. They are incredible. I've been having a hard time finding similar campaigns to study(Dove is close, but not as sincere). I was wondering if either of you are open to being my mentors for my thesis, or at least an email dialogue.
    This project doesn't just end here for me, but this is my last project where I can make infinite mistakes by trying more honest approaches. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you for your time.

    Happy Chinese New Year. Peace and health for you and your families.

    Carla Schulz
    (954)798 1606
