Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let's give. The other kind of love.

Leaping from romantic love to love of mankind...

Blogging, particularly about personal observations / feelings / thoughts, seems horribly self-indulgent these days. There just seems to be one thing out there that is urgent enough to actually say: Let's try to help the Haitians, and let's pray that the people that are actually attempting to distribute our help, can soon figure out how to do it given the chaos on the ground. Here are some ways to contribute:

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed. My heart is broken and devastated by what has happened. I have a couple of dear friends who went to Haiti in early December to build and teach others how to build water filtration systems in this poorest of poor countries. I was terrified they might be hurt and dashed a quick email to them, never thinking to hear back. They did write back and said they were safe and sound, doing their best to help the wounded, the sea of wounded, surrounding them, with the hospital destroyed, the airport destroyed, no medical supplies and the general devastation we all know of now. That was the day after the quake and it has now been several days since. It rips my heart out to be so helpless and not be there with them in the trenches doing what I can, to see all those sweet sad faces, those little children so hurt and so lost. I hope people will not lose interest in this most important cause. I hope everyone dredges out all the humanity that is in them and gives it, gives it with love.
